Summer Arts BIPOC Residency

June 24 - July 19, 2024

The School of Art & Design + Performing Arts Division at Alfred University’s BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, “有色人种”(People of Color)艺术家驻场计划为早期的BIPOC艺术家提供了时间和空间,让他们深入研究和实践艺术, and creative endeavors.

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Set within a bucolic valley of the Finger Lakes region, the residency occurs during Alfred University Summer Arts programming, 为艺术家提供参加艺术学院全额资助的工作坊的机会 & 设计,以及与其他当地和来访的艺术家互动.




June 24 - July 19, 2024

Each residency lasts a minimum of 2 weeks and up to 4 weeks.

coy gu

Yikui (Coy) Gu
June 26-July 21

Yikui (Coy) Gu was born in 1983 in Nantong, China and emigrated to the United States at the age of seven, growing up in Albany, NY. 他拥有长岛大学文学学士学位和宾夕法尼亚美术学院艺术硕士学位. 他的作品曾在纽约、迈阿密、费城、华盛顿等地展出.C., Boston, and St. Louis; and internationally in London, Berlin, and Siena, Italy. He has been an artist in residence at the School of Visual Arts, and has lectured at Tyler School of Art, Gettysburg College, and Fontbonne University. He has been reviewed in Hyperallergic, the Washington Post, KunstForum International, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Denver Art Review, and the Yale Daily News. 他的作品曾登上《皇冠体育app》(Lower East Side Review)的封面,以及《新皇冠体育最新版本》(Fresh Paint)和《新皇冠体育最新版本》(Art Maze). His work is held in the permanent collections of the Siena Art Institute, Wheaton College, Camden County College, and numerous private collections. 现居费城,在南马里兰学院担任艺术副教授. The bulk of his time is spent in the studio, where he is currently plotting his takeover of the international art world, while remaining mostly harmless.

yukui coy gu artwork

Project Proposal: 使用他们自己的智能设备作为表面,制作来自皇冠体育app和当地社区的BIPOC主题的一系列肖像. 这些设备可以是旧型号,不再使用,最好是有裂纹或损坏的表面. 他们设备的磨损与我的研究对象的生活经历相呼应, and become an integral part of the finished portrait/object.

lola ayisha ogbara in black and white in an open warehouse

Lola Ayisha Ogbara
July 2-22

Lola Ayisha Ogbara (b. 1991) is an artist, curator and writer from Chicago, Illinois. 她的实践探索了关于黑人经历的多方面的影响和后果. Ogbara用粘土作为材料来强调必要的脆弱,这象征着灌顶中隐含的本质矛盾. 雕塑、声音和装置艺术是小原跨学科实践的实践. 她拥有芝加哥哥伦比亚学院的文学学士学位和圣华盛顿大学的艺术硕士学位. Louis. Ogbara has exhibited in art spaces across the country including The Luminary, Hyde Park Art Center, Mindy Solomon Gallery, and Kavi Gupta Gallery. She also received numerous fellowships and awards, 包括由NCECA第52届年会赞助的多元文化奖学金, the Arts + Public Life and Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture Residency at the University of Chicago, the Coney Family Fund Award from the Chicago Artists Coalition, and the Chicago DCASE Esteemed Artist Award. Ogbara is currently based in Chicago, Illinois.

lola ayisha ogbara artwork

Project Proposal:皇冠体育appBIPOC驻校艺术家项目的整个过程中, 我计划利用校园内的大型室内陶瓷窑炉设施来创作一个结合大型陶瓷雕塑的作品,并考虑到声音和/或平版印刷的投影. Particularly, I plan to expand upon The Black Haptic Consciousness, an ongoing interdisciplinary study of history, folklore, interconnectedness, 母系与黏土实践中触觉记忆和具身知识的强迫.

Check out these featured artists in our Open Space Exhibit

Tatiana Florival / / May 16th - June 12th

Tatiana Florival is a NYC-based artist-filmmaker. 她于2018年毕业于罗德岛设计学院,获得绘画学士学位. Her work has been shown in galleries such as Kunstraum Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, and Woods-Gerry Gallery in Providence, RI. 她还在康涅狄格州纽黑文的Bijou剧院等剧院放映了她的作品.
她的工作旨在调查自然现象,有时提出解释, such as death, origin, and the connection between mind and body. She's interested in the observation, imitation, and interpretation of those natural patterns, and translating those observations into imagined landscapes, characters, and stories.

Clare Hu / / May 16th - June 5th

Haptic skips of woven textiles gone awry, the distortion of image dictated by the hand, and games of hide and seek, inform the use of weaving, mended imagery and installation, to examine false histories and notions of the South. By utilizing slow craft, 克莱尔·胡剖析了南方神话是如何在故事和周围的物体中被演绎和重演的, and particularly, the kinds of debris left behind.
她在芝加哥艺术学院(SAIC)完成了BFA学位,主修纤维与材料研究。, 并在荷兰的Gerrit Rietveld学院接受了纺织品方面的额外培训. Clare has shown widely in Chicago, IL at No Nation Gallery, Gallery No One, Dfbrl8r, and Sullivan Gallery, and has recently shown at the Textile Arts Center in Brooklyn, NY and Dream Clinic Project Space in Columbus, OH. 她是汉比奇中心的新成员,也是布鲁克林纺织艺术中心的前住户.

Adrian Aguilera / / July 18th - August 7th

Born in Mexico's industrial capital of Monterrey. Aguilera immigrated as a young adult to the U.S. where he settled in Austin, Texas in late 2000's. 他获得了新自治大学León(2004年)的文学学士学位. Working with a variety of mediums that include sculpture, text-based work, print media, video public art, and installations, he researches the intrinsical essence that resides in objects. With an interest in scientific observation, cultural history, and social issues, 阿奎莱拉的作品探讨了我们与我们共同存在的物质和文化空间的关系. He has exhibited both nationally and internationally at The Philbrook Museum, The Contemporary Austin, Artpace San Antonio, the Fusebox Festival, The Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas, The George Washington Carver Museum, and The Instituto Cultural de México in Paris, France. 除了他的实践之外,他还是奥斯汀当代艺术合作Black Mountain Project的积极成员. He currently lives and works in Austin, Texas.

Jacoub Reyes / @jacoubreyes / Jul 27th - Aug 10th

I am a printmaker and installation artist based out of Orlando, Florida. In my current practice, 在我的创作过程中,我寻找并制作材料和工具,作为实验的一部分. 我对发现的木材进行抢救和改造,以反映历史上被边缘化和被压迫的社区是如何被抛弃的. With these, 我以加勒比海和整个世界的文化适应为基础,雕刻了详细的大型寓言木刻. From the sides of forgotten buildings to interactive handmade structures, my installation work incorporates sound recordings, prints, and video elements that meld personal histories with global shifts. Through this method, 我可以优先考虑弥合连接我们现在和过去的鸿沟,希望能防止历史重演. 我的作品取材于已发现的物品,保留并保存了观众可以亲身体验的历史.


  • 2 weeks $1,500 grant
  • 3 weeks $2,000
  • 4 weeks $2,500

Housing: Complimentary, 带家具的一卧室校园宿舍,有齐全的厨房和洗衣设施.

Studio spaces are provided within Cohen Center for the Arts on Main Street, with available options on the 1st (2900 sq ft) or 2nd (3300 sq ft) floor.


We are now accepting applications until February 1, 2024. All artists will be notified of their application decision by April 5, 2024.

Please submit one PDF file, consisting of CV, portfolio (max 20 slides), 和意向书(最多2页),详细说明:1)住院医师计划期间的项目提案, 2) personal/artist statement, and 3) contact information.

Apply Here

Artists are granted the option to participate in a fully funded 1-day, 1-week or 2-week Summer Arts workshop during their residency. For more information on these workshops, please visit the Summer Arts Workshops website.

All artists must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 完全接种疫苗的定义是在事件发生日期前两周接种了最后一剂疫苗. 代表必须出示疫苗接种证明才能进入校园内的任何建筑物. All guests must follow the University's safety protocols.
