AU Senior Paper on Hazing


By Michael Pellicciotti


The Need for Initiation

入会是组成一个团体的重要组成部分. 它给新成员一种归属感, it builds common experiences among the whole group and sets norms among them necessary for performing. It is also an essential aspect of gaining acceptance into an organization (Driver, 1998). 并不是所有的入会仪式都是欺侮. 社区是入会的最终目标. It is the causing of community spirit, equality, and togetherness for new members (Myers, 2000). “这个共同体是入会仪式的核心积极功能...thoughtfully constructed initiation rituals can play a constructive role in a group" (Myers, 2000). It is a three-part process where people who are initiated are separated from others, given information, usually secretive, 通过一些仪式,成为团体的一员(迈尔斯), 2000). After passing this liminal stage, 从被引入组织到成为一名正式员工之间的一段时间, member, 这个人已经完成了启迪(迈尔斯), 2000).

What is Hazing?

当入会活动促进或“产生精神或身体不适”时, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule," hazing occurs (Hazing Defined, 2000). The Alfred University Hazing Study (1999) defines hazing as "any activity expected of someone joining a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers, 不管这个人是否愿意参与.“这篇论文将研究体育和希腊生活中欺侮的原因和影响.


Initiation of new members is an essential part of being a new member of an organization. 尽管欺侮的目的可能是积极的, it is antithetical to and does not successfully achieve the purpose of initiating new members.


所有的组织都需要新成员来维持. "Hazing reassures senior members that the new people value membership in the group" (Nuwer, 1999). These new inductees are more likely than non-hazed members to keep the organization much like the senior members left it (Nuwer, 1999).

The process of initiation can be divided into hazing activities specifically designed to achieve a purpose. For example, 兄弟会或姐妹会可能会要求做俯卧撑, shouting, or public embarrassment of individual pledges to punish or "shape-up" new members "who are perceived to be dragging down the group or have been disrespectful" (Why Hazing Doesn't Work, 2000). An organization might also have excessive physical or mental demands on the pledge group as a whole to instill pledge class unity, or have a pre-initiation or "hell" week with strenuous physical and mental events to "create a climax to the pledge program or [to] develop a true appreciation of initiation" (Why Hazing Doesn't Work, 2000). Those who defend hazing praise its ability to add order and structure to environments. 以下是支持使用它的人的声明:

"Hazing taught me to humble myself, listen to authority, [and] interact with several people closer than most people do with their best friend, siblings or family. Most of all, hazing taught me my personal limits on pushing myself beyond that I ever have had to overcome. 它教会了我在精神上和身体上都足智多谋, 无论是我自己还是与他人”(电子邮件评论), 2000).

"There must be order. There must be structure. There must be discipline. 纸工累死的人只会害死树木, which should be a much larger concern that the mere whimpering of a few people who may have gotten themselves into a situation they can't handle, or perhaps have the ability, 但是缺乏动力去有效地利用它来达到积极的目的. 你所定义的“欺侮”并不是邪恶的,也不是道德上的错误. 这是一件应该好好管理的事情, 并且经常被管理。, 2000).

兄弟会、姐妹会和运动队的目的是形成一个联盟. In order for an organization to work effectively as a team, initiation must develop unity. Some of those who haze feel that it is a way for these groups to develop unification.


尽管有欺侮的目的,但它的使用也有负面的结果. 欺侮倾向于给参与者一种共性, 他们一起经历并成功了(Cerio), 2000). In this process, however, hazing is highly abusive behavior that one does so to get to the next level from a group. "The secrecy is that if you haven't been though it, you can't understand" (Cerio, 2000). 这种保密导致了许多负面的欺侮效应. “它赋予了仪式的意义. 被欺负的人完全控制住了. 你绝对是他们的俘虏”(波拉德,2000).

The most pronounced side effect of hazing is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Pollard, 2000). "The ingredients that go into a hazing provide fertile ground for [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder]" (Pollard, 2000). “你有一个想法,某事将要发生,但你不知道如何发生, when it'll end, or what will happen. 你不知道你需要做什么才能让它停止。”.

欺侮还会产生其他危险的心理影响. “在极端情况下,被欺负后的人会患上创伤后应激障碍. 更具体地说,是那些遭受欺辱和失败的人...经历自尊和焦虑的问题”(Cerio, 2000). There are also negative issues related to the parent-child relationship during hazing. 欺侮的过程将父母与孩子分开(Cerio, 2000)。.

由于这些影响,欺侮行为传递了双重信息. The new members are being told that they are wanted, and would be a valued member of the team. In the meantime, however, those hazing are doing everything in their power to aggravate the initiate and make them suffer (Pollard, 2000). 那些欺侮是在说"我们需要你, 但与此同时,我们会对你不如对待人类”(波拉德), 2000).

欺侮还会导致对其行为背后目的的负面反应. The examples provided earlier in the paper that highlight excessive physical and mental demands on new members to achieve purposes like unity and discipline also defeat the intent of initiation (Why Hazing Doesn't Work, 2000). For example, requiring push-ups, shouting, 或者在公共场合为某件事感到尴尬, 新成员只能导致暂时的纪律问题的压制. Once the pledge is initiated, he or she will not likely continue to perform in the best interest of the organization (Why Hazing Doesn't Work, 2000). This type of discipline toward an entire new member group can also have negative effects. 它形成了一种态度,即承诺是一件困难的事情, not an educational period, and that initiation is the end of one's work for the organization instead of the beginning. This can create a general lack of participating or interest in the membership (Why Hazing Doesn't Work, 2000).

Excessive physical or mental demands on a new member group which intends to develop unity can cause separate units in the group and defeat the purpose of developing a true unified organization. Senior members of the group will always be disunited from the newer members (Why Hazing Doesn't Work, 2000). Also, pre-initiations or "hell" weeks with strenuous programs and events make new members happy to be done with pledging, not honored to be initiated. “当开始前的一周结束时,高潮才真正到来, 而不是在入会仪式开始的时候”(为什么欺侮不起作用, 2000).


参与欺凌的人通常会接受其后果. "A new group member who refuses to accept hazing is usually (although unfairly) considered a deviant, 根据群体行为的研究人员”(努尔), 1999). 通过学生在整个发展过程中所面临的社会化过程, 他们不太可能在危机中帮助别人. 这在群体攻击个体时尤其正确(Nuwer, 1999)。.

这一切都源于被接受的需要. "Group psychologist Irving L. 贾尼斯通过认识到人们需要被同龄人重视来解释欺侮. 欺侮允许这种接受,而外人很难接受, especially school administrators, to understand this" (Nuwer, 1999).


Hazing can have good intentions. The ultimate purpose of hazing, and any form of initiation, 是将新成员引入团队,发展团队的团结. The negative effects of hazing, however, do not allow for the true development of Communitas. Community spirit, equality, 当个体感到被侵犯时,新成员的团结就不会发展, harassed, 或者与群体中的其他成员不平等. 一个群体可以通过可接受的启蒙形式来发展团结,比如, pre-season training, 保持特定的平均成绩, dressing for team functions, 参加团队烤肉或短剧之夜, doing community service, going on a picnic, 或完成绳索课程(皇冠体育app), 1999). 使入会成功地达到其目的, it must allow for the education of new members while having them experience commonality and develop connections as members of the same organization. Only then will an initiation achieve its ultimate purpose of producing a unified group.


Alfred University (1999). 入会仪式与运动:NCAA运动队的全国调查. Alfred, New York: Alfred University.

Cerio, Joe. (March 29, 2000). Personal communication.

Cook, K. (September 13, 1999). Praising hazing. 体育画报[杂志],31页.

Driver, T. (1998). 解放仪式:了解仪式的转化力量. Boulder, Colorado: Westview. Hazing Defined.

[2000, March 22]Mulcahy, M. (February 18, 1999). 欺辱创造了牢不可破的纽带,这对兄弟会来说至关重要. The Daily Texan [newspaper].

[2000, February 21]Myers, R. (March 31, 2000). Personal communication.

Nuwer, H. (1990). 破碎的誓言:致命的欺侮仪式. Atlanta: Longstreet Press.

Nuwer, H. (1999). 高中欺侮:当仪式变成错误. Newburyport, MA: Watts Press.

Pollard, N. (March 29, 2000). Personal communication.

Pro-hazing Email Comments. [2000,March 22].

Why Hazing Doesn't Work. [2000, March 22].